5 Reasons Why is First Aid Training Important

Why is First Aid Training Important - What to Know?

Are you wondering why First Aid Training is important?

Nobody can predict when an accident or medical emergency will occur. If this occurs, you may need to provide CPR or First Aid. However, if you do not know how to carry out these actions, you may find yourself in a critical situation where you are unable to assist.

Knowing how to perform First Aid and CPR can mean the difference between life and death. Whether you are in public places or alone at home with your loved one, if a medical emergency happens, you may be able to help the victim while emergency medical services arrive. Whether you take a class or learn online, here are some great reasons why you should take a first aid class and get certified to perform CPR:

You might be able to save a life with your CPR First Aid Skills.

You never know when someone could go into cardiac arrest while you’re out and about. By taking a first aid course and learning CPR, you could save a person’s life. About 400,000 people will die unexpectedly from cardiac arrest. CPR will help keep the sufferer’s brain function working during cardiac arrest, which will keep their blood flowing, helping them to stay alive.

Helping your patients feel assured

If you work at a hospital, everything you will learn in first aid is important knowledge to have. Even the basics like how to properly dress a wound or how to use certain medical tools will help patients feel at ease when they are in your care. Medical emergencies can be quite alarming, so you want your patients to feel comfortable while they are taken care of by someone who knows what they are doing.

You will be a valuable support

Getting trained and certified can ensure that you will be able to prevent issues that might make the situation worse, especially in the case that a patient needs immediate first aid care. You will be able to stabilize the person until emergency medical attention arrives. This will allow the person time to wait for the ambulance, and you will have helped stabilize someone who could have passed away right there.

You’ll be a valuable member of society

Being able to say that you are certified in basic life support can make you more valuable to the community. This includes at home and at your workplace, too. Not many people will know how to correctly perform CPR, and the more training you get, the more likely you are to be able to help someone in need the correct way. If there is an emergency situation where first aid or CPR is needed, you will be able to help out right then and there.

You can save a loved one with CPR First Aid.

Most of the time, cardiac arrest is sudden and unexpected. Every minute that a person is in cardiac arrest decreases the victim’s chance of survival and they just need stabilizing through CPR until emergency services arrive. If you are at home with your loved one who goes into cardiac arrest, you could end up saving their life if you are there on time and perform CPR quickly and correctly. You could potentially lengthen the life of your loved one. This is the best way to answer why is first aid training important.

If you’re looking to learn more about CPR or getting certified yourself in Bangkok, Bangkok First Aid is your best option. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.


We deliver High-quality First Aid Training in Bangkok. See our Courses.



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